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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Fox Wife

I have been saving The Fox Wife (#1,233) for just the right time when I could settle down and really enjoy reading it.  I was so glad I did!  I even persuaded my husband to read Yangsze Choo's latest novel.  It's historical fiction mixed with Chinese folk tales about foxes who can shape-shift into irresistibly attractive men and women meets detective story.

A young woman from the grasslands of northern China is tracking a photographer who has done her harm.  It's the early 1900s, and the political situation in China is volatile, with a Dowager Empress clinging to power, and an infant Emperor.  Russia and Japan are taking notice.  It's not safe for a woman traveling alone.

Meanwhile, a young woman is found frozen to death on the back doorstep of a local restaurant.  She is a stranger to everyone in the area.  The restaurant owner is afraid of losing business if word gets out, so he hires Detective Bao to identify the women and where she came from to make the problem go away.

As the story switches back and forth between these protagonists, their pursuits become entwined...

The characters are so intriguing in this book, I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next.  Yangsze Choo can really spin a tale.  Put aside some quiet time to enjoy this fantastic read!

I also wanted to add that I loved the cover art on this book.  Just looking at it on the top of my "To Read" pile made me want to dive right into it.  Kudos to the cover artist!

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