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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

That Librarian

After school librarian Amanda Jones spoke at a Library Board meeting in Louisiana, she was targeted by a pair of activists whose mission is to censor and weed out books they object to out of both public- and public-school libraries in the name of protecting "the children".  Cyber-bullying, lies, and actual death threats became an everyday part of her life.  That Librarian (#1,235) is the story of how she handled the pressures and fought back to preserve the rights of everyone (That's you and me!) to read what they choose.

Ms. Jones gradually came to realize that the hate campaign against her was well-funded, organized, and followed a recognizable pattern as others who spoke up against banning books in their own neighborhoods were targeted.  Like the Nazis, their aim is to marginalize and erase cultures and whole groups of people by defunding public schools, libraries and anywhere else people are able to read and educate themselves to think critically.  Her view is that privatizing education and libraries serves to line the pockets of a self-serving group of white Christian nationalists by enlisting eager foot soldiers like Moms For Liberty (theirs, not yours!) to do their dirty work.  Unfortunately, in many areas it's working.

Although I agree with Ms. Jones' conclusions - I've seen them at work in my own area - I must admit I did find reading her memoir repetitive.  It's illustrated with screen shots she captured during her continuing ordeal, some bullying and some praising.  That did get old fast.  Still, the core of what Amanda Jones and those fighting alongside her to protect is important.  If you want others to do your thinking for you, don't bother to show up to defend your local library and librarians.  If you don't want others telling you what to think and do, stand up now, before it's too late.  Remember, the Germans willing elected Adolf Hitler.  Didn't turn out too well for them, did it?

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