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Monday, August 19, 2024

Glorious Exploits

Glorious Exploits (#1245) by Ferdia Lennon made it all the way to Greece with me, since it's set in ancient Syracuse during the Peloponnesian War, but I was so busy I never had time to read it.  I picked it up the other day, intending to sit back for an enjoyable read.

Apparently, the Booker Prize winners who contributed the cover blurbs saw something in this book that I did not.  I don't consider a character who haunts a quarry where the captured Athenian soldiers are imprisoned in order to beat a few to death with a club each time hilarious fun.  I was so unamused by the first several chapters written in a contemporary Dublin accent that I put it down.  Frankly, I'm sorry I read that far.  It's your time to waste.

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