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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Head That Wears The Crown

I have to admit, I was not expecting much from Mariah Stewart's recent novel The Head That Wears The Crown (#1,218), but I liked the diamond necklace and tiara on the book's cover, so why not?  I was very pleasantly surprised by just how much I enjoyed this novel.  

Annie Gilberti is just trying to make ends meet.  She's a divorced Philadelphia mother of two teens living a hectic life when she realizes that she is being stalked by a tall, dark and handsome man as she runs her Saturday errands.  He's there when she comes out of church the next day and asks to speak to her.  What could possibly go wrong?  It turns out Annie is the heir to a small Grand Duchy in Europe she's never heard of, but the people there want her to come back as their ruler.  So much history her Grandmother, the exiled Grand Duchess, never told her growing up!  With both her grandmother and mother gone, Annie is left on her own to decide what to do.  She feels she owes it to herself to check out San Gilberti.

What Annie does on her arrival makes for a diverting read as she becomes a positive force for good in her own life and that of her family, but also for the Grand Duchy of San Gilberti.  Yes, there's a romance, but that's a secondary plot line here as Annie discovers the best possible version of herself.  Yay, Annie!

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