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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Scents and Sensiblility

Right up to the end of Scents and Sensibility (#569), I wasn't sure that Chet and Bernie were going to make it out alive from their latest adventure.  Spencer Quinn really ratcheted up the suspense factor here.  I know eventually there will be a final Chet and Bernie mystery, but I'm not ready for it yet!

After spending time with Suzie in Washington, D.C., both Chet and Bernie are glad to be home at last in the Valley.  But there have been changes since they left:  what's the huge saguaro cactus doing in the Parsons' front yard next door?  And, hey, where has the wall safe behind the picture in Bernie's office gone, along with his grandfather's watch?

It turns out the cactus was stolen, when an Agriculture Department Special Agent shows up after tracking down the GPS chip implanted in it.    Mr. Parsons is clearly too feeble to have done the transplanting himself, so why is he so reluctant to talk about how the cactus came to be in his yard?  Murder, drugs, kidnapping, crooked cops and a music festival are all part of the mix when Bernie and Chet begin to investigate.  So is a puppy who looks, acts and smells so much like Chet...

It's so doggone good, it'll have you begging for more!

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