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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why I Started This Blog

I have always loved to read.  I can't remember a time when I wasn't surrounded by books at home - spilling out of bookcases in my room, plus the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, the hallways, and of course, the library books piled on top of the radiators that belonged to my parents and my brother.  I thought everyone lived like this until I went to school and brought a friend home one day.  She looked around our house and asked in disbelief, "Does anyone actually read these books?!"  Well, yes, we did.

But why did I start this blog now?  I've been at loose ends since I was laid off when the company I worked for was bought out.  I was the senior person in my position, and the prospects have not been looking good out there for someone my age and salary history (What a surprise!).  The upside is that I'm no longer traveling constantly, and I have plenty of time to indulge in my love of reading.  I've had to throttle back my Amazon book-buying habit, but fortunately my excellent local library system has taken up the slack. I mostly read fiction and I particularly like historical fiction and mysteries.  But I also read biographies and straight history with forays into anything else that takes my fancy.  You just never know!

So I've decided to keep a record of what I'm reading and comment on it. I'll let you know whether or not I liked a book, and if it led me to explore other interesting related reading matter or websites.  I make no claims to be a literary critic, but I've read long enough to know what I like and share my opinions.  I hope you'll respond, since it's always interesting to share other people's take on the same books and get their recommendations.

Watch this space for my post on Me, Myself and Why? A Modern Threesome by MaryJanice Davidson.

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