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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Holy Chow

Andy Carpenter is back in his usual rare form in David Rosenfelt's latest mystery: Holy Chow (#1,090).  Andy is sad to hear that Rachel Morehouse has died, especially since she had contacted him a few weeks prior to ask him to make sure Lion, the chow dog she adopted from the Tara Foundation, will be looked after if anything happens to her.  Since he likes Rachel, and a dog is involved, of course Andy promises to take care of Lion.  He just didn't expect to be called so soon about the reading of her will, and the fact that she left the Tara Foundation two million dollars.  He also didn't expect that her stepson Tony would be arrested for her murder at the reading of the will.

Andy finds himself defending Tony Wasserman, who swears that he had nothing to do with his stepmother's murder.  In fact, they were on good terms - enough so that Rachel wanted Tony to take Lion if he was willing.  In fact, Tony was eager to adopt Lion to fill the void left by his beloved dog's death. Surely Tony couldn't have done it, but the evidence is piling up against him, until Andy starts poking around...  

With his typical humor, Andy and his stalwart crew put together the pieces of a conspiracy with Tony as its scapegoat.  But will anyone believe them?  There are a few new recruits, and a surprising reveal about one of the Andy Carpenter Mystery series' regular characters!  Always a pleasure to read.

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