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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Tender Is the Bite

For someone who has never owned, nor is ever likely to own a dog, I sure seem to read an awful lot of books about them!  I was so excited to see Spencer Quinn's latest Chet & Bernie mystery arrive in my Hold queue at the library.  Tender Is the Bite (#1,000) has Chet in rare form as he and his human partner Bernie are followed by what turns out to be a potential client.  But before she can tell them why she wants to retain their services, she is spooked and takes off.  

Although the mystery woman has not actually hired them to investigate, Bernie is convinced she's in trouble and follows up on his own.  That puts the Little Detective Agency on someone's radar, but who's behind both the threats and the attempts to buy them off?  In the meantime, Bernie's neighbors are in the midst of a heated political campaign rivalry supporting the Senatorial race's vastly different candidates.  A showdown is inevitable.

Chet is none too pleased to find that a ferret is involved in their case.  His past experiences with them have not been positive.  But what takes the cake for Chet (although if he were taking anything, he'd much rather it be some tasty barbeque bones, or a juicy ribeye steak!) is the appearance of Trixie.  She looks just like him, with an all black coat and one white ear, but what's even worse, she acts like him!  How can this be?  Trixie's owner Weatherly has made an impression on Bernie, too.  I suspect we'll be seeing more of both characters in the future.  Bring it on!

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