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Monday, December 16, 2019

What Rose Forgot

One of my friends recommended Nevada Barr's latest: What Rose Forgot (#866).  She said she resented being pulled away from it while she was reading it.  After reading it myself, I see exactly what she meant.

When Rose Dennis regains consciousness as the novel opens, she's in a wooded area wearing a flimsy hospital gown.  How did she get there?  She is afraid, but she doesn't know of what.  It soon becomes clear when orderlies from a local facility find her and literally drag her back.  She's been suffering from the flu, but when she is returned to the hospital, it is back to the Memory Care Unit.  Enough of the drugs has been purged from her system during her stay in the medical unit to let her realize that it's the medication causing her confusion.  Rose hides the capsules being fed to her, and plans her escape from the memory unit.  While she's out again, someone tries to kill her.  She's not crazy, so why has her family committed her to this place?  And for what purpose?  With the help of her step-granddaughter and her friend, Rose aims to find out who is behind it all...

This is a very scary novel if you happen to be a woman in your sixties, because Rose's commitment,  sedation and gradual demise are so very plausible.  Rose is made to look as though she fits the profile of a patient with dementia, so who would question it?  It's a sinister plot, and one which could so easily happen today.  A crackerjack read.

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