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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fascism - A Warning

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's latest book Fascism - A Warning (#740) is a thoughtful and sobering read.  In it, she chronicles the rise of fascism through a series of essays on twentieth and twenty-first century leaders who have exemplified its principles.

Beyond Mussolini, Hitler and Franco, most of the names in the book are familiar to anyone who reads  print newspapers and news magazines.  Who better to profile them than one who has actually met and worked with a number of them during her long career in diplomacy?

The United States has traditionally been the champion and defender of democracy throughout the world.  Sadly, it no longer is.  The question is whether our own beliefs in a democratic society will be strong enough to maintain us through the assaults on our Founders' core principles by a president who openly admires autocrats, not diplomats. 

As Ms. Albright herself says when questioned about whether she is an optimist or a pessimist, "I am an optimist who worries a lot."  I'm right there with you, Madeleine.

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