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Thursday, March 24, 2016

All's Fair, Mrs. Biddle: A Byblos Foretold Trilogy

Prepare to be amused!  All's Fair, Mrs. Biddle: A Byblos Foretold Trilogy (#556) by M.E.Meegs combines three independently published novellas between two covers.  Since the three books, Babes at Sea, Peddlers All and Dames Engaged are intertwined stories (as are many of its characters!)  this is certainly a convenient way to read them without the bother of having to go find the next volume. They're like peanuts - you can't possibly read just one!

It's hard to know where to start to describe the characters and events that fill these pages.  With Mrs. Biddle herself?  Tall, blonde, statuesque; elegant and eloquent, Mrs. Biddle commands attention wherever she goes - a woman of mystery with as many names to match whichever ball she is currently juggling.  Is there a Mr. Biddle?  Yes, you may be certain there is, dear reader, and he is every bit a fit match for his consort.  But what game could the two of them be playing at here? 

Bed hopping, babies, a sea voyage, fake aristocrats (and a possible real one!), mistaken identities, corrupt politicians, wealthy marks, con after con, and a (somewhat) happy ending for some tumble across the pages in this deliciously risqué romp.  I certainly hope there's more where this came from!

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